The Institute of Higher Aeronautics, parallel to the Institute for Higher Living in New York, is based in D.C., and is where the Erasers got their wings from. This Institute was found by Nudge and Fang while scouting Washington D.C, as revealed in Fang's blog at the end of The Angel Experiment.
It was located behind an electronics store and was very busy, with many Erasers coming and going. Inside, the rooms included a reception area and a hangar full of gymnastics equipment, where whitecoats were instructing Erasers.
Fang and Nudge left after calling in the fire department, police, and paramedics, as well as a few pizza deliveries. Whatever happened to the Institute after this is unknown.
- A business card for Walter X. Powers at the Institute for Higher Aeronautics is included in the extra materials at the end of School's Out - Forever.
- Its address is 11-86 Florida Avenue, N.W. Suite 34B, Washington DC 20036.
Max's Note Before Fang's Blog Post About the Institute of Higher Aeronautics[]
Remember what I said at the very beginning?
Now, I am giving you a choice:
You can put the book down now -- but you'll just have some of the story.
Look other places for more of it.
Dig even deeper, and you could become part of it.
The web of answers is out there.
If you can find the portal.
Be careful. And don't say I didn't warn you.
P.S. -- Make sure you check out the postings from Fang's blog on the next page. The discovery that he and Nudge made is hugely important.