The second flock was a group of escapees set free by the Flock from the Institute for Higher Living in The Angel Experiment. After Max killed Ari for the first time, she was informed by Angel that the escapees went on their own way.
Their fates are unknown, as they were only described in the first book. They may have been among the experiments imprisoned at Itexicon's headquarters in Germany and put on auction. They may also have been among the mutant children taken in by the Lerner School for Gifted Children, or given a home on the island of Paradise by Nino Pierpont.
Possible members include the dozens of other experiments who were held at the School. Experiments who were mentioned specifically include:
- "Bird-Girl", an avian-human hybrid about ten years of age, is implied to have acted as leader for these other mutants and led them on their own.
- two small children with several vital organs such as "kidneys, bowels, a heart" located on the outside of their bodies. Max predicted that they didn't have long to live.
- a large cat resembling "a serval or a margay" with human eyes and human-like fingers beneath its retractable claws.
- a second winged child younger than Bird-Girl.