Maximum Ride Wiki

Not to be confused with Maximum Ride: The Ultimate Flight, the mobile app for Nevermore.

We’re taking the Flock out of their comfort zone and into an environment that’s familiar to most kids – but very threatening to this group. We’ll see Max continue to grow as a leader and really come to terms with what it will take to protect the people she loves. Oh, and there will be romance. Definitely.

Jody Houser

Max Ride Ultimate Flight (watermarked)

Max Ride: Ultimate Flight is the second Marvel Comics adaptation arc of James Patterson's Maximum Ride novel series (after Max Ride: First Flight). The first comic in the arc was released in November 2015.[1][2] It was followed by Max Ride: Final Flight.


Jody Houser replaced Marguerite Bennett as the writer for the series; Emily Shaw became editor in place of Sana Amanat; and RB Silva was the artist.[1]


  1. James Patterson's Max Ride: Ultimate Flight #1
  2. James Patterson's Max Ride: Ultimate Flight #2
  3. James Patterson's Max Ride: Ultimate Flight #3
  4. James Patterson's Max Ride: Ultimate Flight #4
  5. James Patterson's Max Ride: Ultimate Flight #5

