Maximum Ride Wiki

Lake Mead is a lake in Nevada where Fang, and Nudge met hawks and learned flying moves from them in The Angel Experiment. It is also where Max had agreed to meet Fang and Nudge after she saved Ella Martinez from bullies in the same book.

Max's Detour[]

As Max, Fang, and Nudge are flying to the School to save Angel, Max sees a girl being threatened by bullies. She decides to go help her and arranges to catch up with Fang and Nudge at Lake Mead. Max saves the girl, whose name is Ella, but gets shot in the shoulder and wing in the process. She has to go to Dr. Valencia Martinez's house—since she is Ella's mother—and stay with them for a few days. Afterwards, she meets up with Fang and Nudge, and the three of them continue the journey to the School.
