"Pietro! Why is this door locked?" - Giacomo Pater, HAWK
Giacomo Pater is Pietro Pater's father, and the ruler of the infamous Pater gang. He is not fond of Hawk.
Hawk is at Pietro's fancy house after getting a C carved into her cheek by gangsters from the Chung gang. She is given a bath and new, clean clothes. Pietro is stunned by her wings. Before long, they kiss, but a maid tells Pietro that Giacomo is coming. Hawk flies away.
Later, when Angel calls a meeting with representatives of all the gangs, Pietro is a Pater representative. Right when the meeting is about to start, Giacomo bursts in, furious at Pietro for coming to the meeting. He yells that Pietro represented nothing but the "soft, spoiled weakling" his mother made him.
After Max's speech about how the residents of the City of the Dead should work together and protest against the corrupt government, soldiers start attacking. Giacomo attempts to kill Hawk, but Max comes and breaks Giacomo's neck, though she is shot in the process.
In the epilogue of HAWK, Pietro is also mentioned to have started a real children's home.
Giacomo only appears in HAWK.