Dr. Martinez displays Max's X-ray in the film Maximum Ride
“ | I pulled my wings in, feeling them fold, hot from exercise, into a tight accordion on either side of my spine. | ” |
–The Angel Experiment |
Avian-human hybrids, also known as bird kids or Avian-Americans, are part of the 54th mutant generation of recombinant-DNA beings created by the School.
Avian-human hybrid are relatively tall; even teenaged hybrids tend to be around 6 feet in height. However, due to their special anatomy (which is designed to facilitate flight) they are lightweight compared to humans of similar stature; teenaged hybrids tend to weight around a hundred pounds.
All avian-human hybrids have six limbs and are capable of flight. They have large feathered wings like birds. A teenaged hybrid may have a wingspan of fourteen or fifteen feet. Different hybrids have had wings resembling those of different bird species such as hawks or pheasants.
Despite the size, their wings are capable of folding tightly against the spine (like an "accordion") and can be almost completely hidden. In the movie adaption they actually fold into the body via openings that, while closed, resemble scars.
Avian-human hybrids have numerous birdlike qualities. They have air sacs in addition to lungs. They have nuclei in their red blood cells, their bones are porous and lightweight, and their stomachs are different than those of normal people. They have fast, smooth heartbeats. Their core temperature is several degrees higher than of normal people, enough to create a noticeable difference in thermal scanning. They have notably advanced senses, including a directional sense, raptor vision and acute hearing. (School's Out - Forever)
Due to their genetically engineered nature, they possess superior strength, speed, endurance and reflexes to normal people. They also possess advanced regenerative abilities, in part due to their high metabolism. Due to their high metabolism however, they need to ingest a large amount of calories, typically between 3000-4000 a day (compared to 2000-2500 for normal people). However, unlike normal people, their nutritional requirements do not increase in colder conditions. (The Final Warning)
Harry and his flock are a variation, being more birdlike, with feathers covering their bodies. (Maximum Ride Forever)
It is sometimes possible for "bird kids" to mutate on their own, as mentioned in The Final Warning. Each member of the Flock develops at least one superhuman ability such as telepathy or super-speed.
The Flock was created in the School as a genetic experiment. Little is known about their history except that they are the 54th "generation" of experiments. Angel's subject number is 11. Itex at one point hoped to sell their creations, including avian hybrids, to government buyers.
Known Avian-human Hybrids[]
- The Flock
- Bird-Girl
- Max II
- Dylan
- Harry and his flock
- Hawk: first known example of a second-generation hybrid